This was a unique wedding for me in that I actually was a guest! I have never been a guest at one of "
my" weddings. My friends Amanda and Jeff made me promise that I couldn't do any work on the day of the wedding. They only allowed me to take part in helping with everything leading up to the wedding, but then on the day of the Rehearsal all the reigns were passed over to my fabulous Assistant Elizabeth Meizen. She did everything on her own, like a champ (although we did chat during the day to make sure all was going well!). That little worker-bee did a fabulous job for Amanda and Jeff, covering all the bases and ensuring everything was excuted upon just as they had asked. We loved the vibrant "yellow" that was tied in everywhere. From the flowers, to the bridesmaids dresses (they all picked their own yellow dress), to the cupcakes, chalkboard table names and lemons for fillers in the centerpieces. I think yellow sybolized Amanda's personality - a ray of sunshine, full of cheer, smiles and happiness. Weddings at
Seagrove Park are always gorgeous, espcially this time of year. The fun outdoor Reception just up the road was at the imfamous "
Brig." We loved this wedding big time!! Special thanks to the photos from the talented and amazing
Zach Hodges Photography.
Kiley Walker EventsCeremony:
Seagrove ParkReception:
Brigantine Restaurant
Zach Hodges PhotographyFlorist:
Feather Acres Nursery
Zach Goldman VideoCupcakes:
Cupcake Love